36. He X., Abs E., Allison S., Tao F., Huang Y., Manzoni S., Abramoff R., Bruni E., Bowring S.P.K., Chakrawal A., Ciais P., Elsgaard E., Friedlingstein P., Georgiou K., Hugelius G., Holm L. B., Li W., Luo Y., Marmasse G., Nunan N., Qiu C., Sitch S. Wang Y.P., Goll D.S. Emerging multiscale insights on microbial carbon use efficiency in the land carbon cycle. Nature Communications (2024). [PDF]
35. Rocci K., Cotrufo M. F., Ernakovich J., Foster E., Frey S., Georgiou K., Grandy A. S., Malhotra A., Reich P., Schlerman E., Wieder W. R. Bridging 20 years of soil organic matter frameworks: empirical support, model representation, and next steps. JGR Biogeosciences (2024). [PDF] 34. von Fromm S. F., Hoyt A. M., Sierra C. A., Georgiou K., Doetterl S., Trumbore S. E. Controls and relationships of soil organic carbon abundance and persistence vary across pedo-climatic regions. Global Change Biology, 30 (5), 1-18 (2024). [PDF] 33. Wieder W. R., Hartman M. D., Kyker-Snowman E., Eastman B., Georgiou K., Pierson D., Rocci K. S., Grandy A. S. Simulating global terrestrial carbon and nitrogen biogeochemical cycles with implicit and explicit representations of soil microbial activity. JAMES, 16, e2023MS004156 (2024). [PDF] 32. Georgiou K., Koven C. D., Wieder W. R., Hartman M. D., Riley W. J., Pett-Ridge J., Bouskill N. J., Abramoff R. Z., Slessarev E., Ahlström A., Parton W., Pellegrini A. F. A., Pierson D., Sulman B. N., Zhu Q., Jackson R. B. Emergent temperature sensitivity of soil organic carbon driven by mineral associations. Nature Geoscience 17, 205–212 (2024). [PDF] [SI] 31. He X., Abramoff R. Z., Abs E., Georgiou K., Zhang H., Goll D. S. Model uncertainty obscures major driver of soil carbon. Matters Arising in Nature (2024). [PDF] 30. Rocci K. S., Cleveland C. C., Eastman B. A., Georgiou K., Grandy A. S., Hartman M. D., Hauser E., Holland-Moritz H., Kyker-Snowman E., Pierson D., Reich P. B., Schlerman E. P., Wieder W. R. Aligning theoretical and empirical representations of soil carbon-to-nitrogen stoichiometry with process-based terrestrial biogeochemistry models. Soil Biology & Biochemistry (2023). [PDF] 29. Pellegrini A. F. A. , Reich P. B., Hobbie S. E., Coetsee C., Wigley B., February E., Georgiou K., Terrer C., Brookshire E. N. J., Ahström A., Nieradzik L., Sitch S., Melton J. R., Forrest M., Li F., Hantsen S., Burton C., Yue C., Ciais P., Jackson R. B. Soil carbon storage capacity of drylands under altered fire regimes. Nature Climate Change (2023). [PDF] + Media highlights: UnivCambridge, UMich, Phys.org 28. Villarino S. H., Talab E., Contisciani L., Videla C., Di Geronimo P., Mastrángelo M. E., Georgiou K., Jackson R.B., Piñeiro G. A large nitrogen supply from the stable mineral-associated soil organic matter fraction. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 1-9 (2023). [PDF] 27. Wolf J., Asch J., Tian F., Georgiou K., Ahlström A. Canopy responses of Swedish primary and secondary forests to the 2018 drought. Environmental Research Letters, (2023) [PDF] 26. Slessarev E., Mayer A., Kelly C., Georgiou K., Pett-Ridge J., Nuccio E. Initial soil organic carbon stocks govern changes in soil carbon: reality or artifact? Global Change Biology, 29 (5), 1239-1247 (2023). [PDF] 25. Georgiou K., Jackson R. B., Vindušková O., Abramoff R. Z., Ahlström A., Feng W., Harden J. W., Pellegrini A. F. A., Polley H. W., Soong J. L., Riley W. J., Torn M. S. Global stocks and capacity of mineral-associated soil organic carbon. Nature Communications, 13 (1), 1-12 (2022). [PDF] [SI] + Highlighted in Top 25 Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences Articles of 2022 + Media highlights: Phys.org 24. Pierson D., Lohse K. A., Wieder W. R., Patton N. R., Facer J., de Graaff M., Georgiou K., Seyfried M. S., Flerchinger G., Will R. Optimizing process-based models to predict current and future soil carbon stocks and pools at high-resolution. Scientific Reports, 12 (1), 1-15 (2022). [PDF] 23. Sokol N. W., Whalen E. D., Jilling A., Kallenbach C., Pett-Ridge J., Georgiou K. The global distribution, formation, and fate of mineral-associated soil organic matter under a changing climate: A trait-based perspective. Functional Ecology, 36 (6), 1411-1429 (2022). [PDF] 22. Pellegrini A. F. A., Harden J. W., Georgiou K., Hemes K. S., Malhotra A., Nolan C. J., Jackson R. B. Fire effects on the persistence of soil organic matter and long-term carbon storage. Nature Geoscience, 15: 5–13 (2022). [PDF] + Media highlights: Phys.org, ScienMag, EurekaAlert 21. Abramoff R. Z., Guenet B., Zhang H., Georgiou K., Xu X., Viscarra Rossel R. A., Yuan W., Ciais P. Improved global-scale predictions of soil carbon stocks with Millennial Version 2. Soil Biology & Biochemistry (2022). [PDF] 20. Kristensen J. A., Svenning J-C., Georgiou K., Malhi Y. Can large herbivores enhance ecosystem carbon persistence? Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 37 (2), 117-128 (2022). [PDF] + Media highlights: The Conversation, Eos 19. Georgiou K., Malhotra A., Wieder W. R., Ennis J. H., Hartman M. D., Sulman B. N., Berhe A. A., Grandy A. S., Kyker-Snowman E., Lajtha K., Moore J. A. M., Pierson D., Jackson R. B. Divergent controls of soil organic carbon between observations and process-based models. Biogeochemistry Letters, 156 (1), 5-17 (2021). [PDF] 18. Pellegrini A. F. A., Caprio A. C., Georgiou K., Finnegan C., Hobbie S. E., Hatten J. A., Jackson R. B. Low-intensity frequent fires in coniferous forests transform soil organic matter in ways that may offset ecosystem carbon losses. Global Change Biology, 27:3810–3823 (2021). [PDF] 17. Billings S. A., Lajtha K., Malhotra A., Berhe A. A., de Graaff M., Earl S., Fraterrigo J., Georgiou K., Grandy A. S., Hobbie S., Moore J. A. M., Nadelhoffer K., Pierson D., Rasmussen C., Silver W., Sulman B., Weintraub S., Wieder W. Soil organic carbon is not just for soil scientists: Measurement recommendations for diverse practitioners. Ecological Applications, 31 (3), e02290 (2021). [PDF] 16. Abramoff R. Z., Georgiou K., Guenet B., Torn M. S., Huang Y., Zhang H., Feng W., Jagadamma S., Kaiser K., Kothawala D., Mayes M. A., Ciais P. How much carbon can be added to soil by sorption? Biogeochemistry Letters, 152 (2), 127-142 (2021). [PDF] 15. Walker A. P., Bastos A., De Kauwe M. G., Georgiou K., McMahon S., Medlyn B., Moore D., Norby R., Zaehle S., Anderson‐Teixeira K., Battipaglia G., Brienen R., Cabugao K., Cailleret M., Campbell E., Canadell J., Ciais P., Craig M., Ellsworth D., Farquhar G., Fatichi S., Fisher J., Frank D., Graven H., Gu L., Haverd V., Heilman K., Heimann M., Hungate B., Iversen C., Joos F., Jiang M., Keenan T., Knauer J., Körner C., Leshyk V., Leuzinger S., Liu Y., MacBean N., Malhi Y., McVicar T., Penuelas J., Pongratz J., Powell A., Riutta T., Sabot M., Schleucher J., Sitch S., Smith W., Sulman B., Taylor B., Terrer C., Torn M., Treseder K., Trugman A., Trumbore S., van Mantgem P., Voelker S., Whelan M., Zuidema P. Integrating evidence for CO2 fertilization of the terrestrial carbon sink. New Phytologist, 229 (5), 2413-2445 (2020). [PDF] 14. Wieder W. R., Pierson D., Earl S., Lajtha K., Baer S., Ballantyne F., Berhe A. A., Billings S., Brigham L. M., Chacon S. S., Fraterrigo J., Frey S. D., Georgiou K., de Graaff M.-A., Grandy A. S., Hartman M., Hobbie S., Johnson C., Kaye J., Kyker-Snowman E., Litvak M., Mack M., Malhotra A., Moore J., Nadelhoffer K., Rasmussen C., Silver W., Sulman B., Walker X., Weintraub S. SoDaH: the SOils DAta Harmonization database, an open-source synthesis of soil data from research networks, version 1.0. Earth System Science Data, 13 (5), 1843-1854 (2020). [PDF] 13. Dwivedi D., Tang J., Bouskill N. J., Georgiou K., Chacon S., & Riley W. J. Abiotic and biotic controls on soil organo-mineral interactions: Developing model structures to analyze why soil organic matter persists. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, 85 (1), 329-348 (2019). [PDF] 12. Abramoff R. Z., Torn M. S., Georgiou K., Tang J., Riley W. J. Soil organic matter temperature sensitivity cannot be directly inferred from spatial gradients. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 33 (6), 761-776 (2019). [PDF] 11. Sulman B., Moore J., Abramoff R. Z., Averill C., Georgiou K., Kivlin S., Sridhar B., Hartman M., Wang G., Wieder W., Bradford M., Luo Y., Mayes M., Morrison E., Riley W. J., Salazar A., Schimel J., Tang J. Classen A. Multiple models and experiments underscore large uncertainty in soil carbon dynamics. Biogeochemistry Letters, 141 (2), 109-123 (2018). [PDF] 10. Georgiou K., Harte J., Mesbah A., Riley W. J. A method of alternating characteristics with application to advection-dominated environmental systems. Computational Geosciences, 22 (3), 851-865 (2018). [PDF] 9. Castanha C., Zhu B., Hicks Pries C. E., Georgiou K., Torn M. S. The effects of heating, rhizosphere, and depth on root litter decomposition are mediated by soil moisture. Biogeochemistry, 137: 267 (2018). [PDF] 8. Georgiou K., Abramoff R. Z., Harte J., Riley W. J., Torn M. S. Microbial community-level regulation explains soil carbon responses to long-term litter manipulations. Nature Communications, 8: 1223, 1-10 (2017). [PDF] [SI] + Highlighted in Nature Complex Systems Research Collection: Ecology and Evolution 7. Rammensee S., Kang M. S., Georgiou K., Kumar S., Schaffer D. V. Dynamics of Mechanosensitive Neural Stem Cell Differentiation. Stem Cells, 35, 497-506 (2017). [PDF] 6. Luo Y., Ahlström A., Allison S., Batjes N., Bonan G., Brovkin V., Carvalhais N., Chappell A., Ciais P., Davidson E., Finzi A., Georgiou K., Hararuk O., Harden J., He Y., Hopkins F., Jiang L., Koven C., Jackson R., Jones C., Lara M., Liang J., McGuire A. D., Parton W., Peng C., Randerson J., Salazar A., Sierra C., Smith M., Tian H., Todd‐Brown K., Torn M., Van Groenigen K. J., Wang Y. P., West T., Wei Y., Wieder W., Xia J., Xu X., Zhou T. Towards More Realistic Projections of Soil Carbon Dynamics by Earth System Models. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 30, 40-56 (2016). [PDF] 5. Wieder W., Allison S., Davidson E., Georgiou K., Hararuk O., He Y., Hopkins F., Luo Y., Smith M., Sulman B., Todd-Brown K., Wang Y. P., Xia J., Xu X. Explicitly Representing Soil Microbial Processes in Earth System Models. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 29, 1782-1800 (2015). [PDF] 4. Georgiou K., Koven C., Riley W. J., Torn M. S. Towards improved model structures for analyzing priming: potential pitfalls of using bulk turnover time. Global Change Biology, 21, 4298-2302 (2015). [PDF] 3. Koven C., Chambers J., Georgiou K., Knox R., Negron-Juarez R., Riley W. J., Arora V., Brovkin V., Friedlingstein P., Jones C. Controls on terrestrial carbon feedbacks by productivity versus turnover in the CMIP5 Earth System Models. Biogeosciences, 12, 5211-5228 (2015). [PDF] 2. Pangburn, T.O., Georgiou K., Bates, F.S., and Kokkoli, E. Targeted Polymersome Delivery of siRNA Induces Cell Death of Breast Cancer Cells Dependent upon Orai3 Protein Expression. Langmuir, 28, 12816-12830 (2012). [PDF] 1. Georgiou K. and Georgiou T. T. Graceful switching in hybrid models. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 3882-3884 (2009). [PDF] |